Bee The Best
Bookkeeping Story

Our Roots

Inspired by Nature

Founded in 2020 amid the global shift, Bee The Best Bookkeeping originated from a simple fascination with bees. Just like bees dedicate their lives to their hive, we dedicate ours to supporting your business. The inspiration for our company name came from Jeannie’s husband Randall’s successful side hustle of selling honey from his beehive under the brand Coogee Honey.

Our name reflects our values and admiration for bees. We bring the qualities of hard work and customer focus to every client relationship.

Inspired by Nature

What makes us different?

With over 25 years of diverse experience in London and Sydney, our founder, Jeannie Cheng Magro, brings a wealth of knowledge and a personalised touch to our services. Jeannie is in the process of becoming a Tax and BAS Agent and currently works under supervision, so all our work goes through thorough checking. Our dedication to continuous learning and adherence to high standards sets us apart, ensuring your financial management is in expert hands.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help you focus on the bigger picture and allow you to focus on what you do best—grow your business.

Who We Serve

Bee The Best Bookkeeping takes pride in offering remote services to a wide range of clients throughout Australia, especially in Sydney. At Bee The Best Bookkeeping, we pride ourselves on offering specialised services across a variety of sectors.

Who We Serve

Whether you’re a medical professional seeking streamlined financial management, a landscaper looking to grow your business with clear financial insights, or a legal firm needing meticulous bookkeeping, we’re here for you. Our clientele also spans on the hospitality and tourism sector, not-for-profit organisations, chic salons, dynamic micro gyms, dedicated chiropractors, physiotherapists, dentists, therapists, and e-commerce sellers, etc.

Our Commitment

We promise remote, customizable services tailored to your business, underpinned by integrity and a sound reputation. Our clients value our speedy, reliable service, and we’re committed to maintaining this standard of excellence.

Meet Our CEO and Founder

Jeannie Cheng Magro

Jeannie is a seasoned financial expert who’s on a mission to streamline finances for small business owners.


Join Our Hive

Jeannie Cheng Magro